Wednesday, March 31, 2010

30 March

A little late, but here is the update from yesterday March 30. Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa Page all visited with the boys today. They had to finally give Austin a blood transfusion this morning because his anemia was not getting better. The doctors hope this will help with the A&B episodes he's been having. Otherwise, Austin is still going strong. Aiden is still on the ventilator. He is not doing well with his feedings. The doctors ordered an X-ray of his stomach...results are still pending. He is still having many A&B episodes. The doctors just can't seem to figure out exactly what the problem is. We are praying and hoping that soon Aiden will make some progress and start to do better. Be strong boys! You are never far from our thoughts. We love you both so very much.


  1. Wish there was something we could do to help. I pray that little boy will get strong and he will. Next year he will be whipping up on his brother god bless all of you. Prayer's are with you all Love Aunt Sandy

  2. We returned home to NoVa yesterday and already miss our visits to the NICU to see Aiden and Austin. I think I could sit there all day long and just watch them. We pray for God's continued blessings on each one of them -- and Mommy and Daddy too. We love you all. Hugs and Kisses from Grampa and Gramma Page.

  3. To realize the value of one month ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

    So delicate and so precious, these little sweethearts, gifts of pure unconditional love. They are soaked and dripping in love. Visions of what they will become excite my spirit and warms my old heart. Then my heart smiles at the thought of better days ahead and what they will become in cluding their Mom and Dad.

    I believe infants are born with their connection to the Divine intact. God breathes life into their little spirits and they become souls, pure and white as snow. Aiden and Austin are fully in His grace. We trust you God of all flesh and there is nothing too hard for you to do. Send your ministering angles of mercy with the special skills and talent to help our twims adjust to this physical world. We put them in your hands dear Lord and trust that you will sustain them and allow their fragile bodies to heal and grow to maturity. Amen.
