Saturday, March 6, 2010

6 March

Austin is back on antibiotics due to elevated white blood cell counts. Aiden's white blood cell counts are ok. While on the meds for the holes in their hearts, they don't get meals. (Daddy would starve!) :o) The meds are vaso constrictors and reduce blood flow to the stomach among other organs, so they have to stop meals but the boys still get nutrition via the IVs in their umbilical cords. Aiden squirms around like nobody's business; always kicking, stretching, moving, etc..!! Funny to watch. Austin has his moments but is usually more calm. Austin has such long fingers! Both are still under the blue lights today. Neither boy loves being touched by Daddy! We think Dad's hands are simply too cold. haha. They love Mommy's hands though! :o) Austin's hole is 2.6 mm and Aiden's is 2.5 mm. Both are also said to have low velocity meaning that the blood is rushing through the hole at a slow rate so that is very good. The holes are called Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDAs) and are explained pretty well here:


  1. Guys,

    Matt and I are thinking about you and praying for the boys constantly, thank you for keeping this blog because I want to follow along but not keep calling or e-mailing you both everyday!

    Please let me know if I can help with anything.

    Take care,
    Jenn Picinich

  2. Love the Blog!! Thank you for sharing

    Awesome description of the PDA! I actually used this page for a presentation in school last semester! :)

    They are little fighters & I'm sure they will pull through all of this & really give you a run for your money! Next summer you'll be chasing them all over the place in their little diapers! :)~

