Thursday, March 11, 2010

11 March

Today was another valley on the rollercoaster we have been riding.  Aiden was having more episodes of respiratory apnea yesterday than the doctors liked so they put him back on the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine and the episodes have decreased dramatically throughout the day today, so that's great.  Because of the CPAP machine though, Aiden had to be taken off mom's milk.  However, Austin has been increased to 14ml of milk every three hours, so that's good.  Additionally, both boys had to have a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Line put into them which is a line that goes all the way to their hearts and allows the doctors to better administer meds and fluids to them.  Until now, they had received this stuff through their umbilical cords, of course.  They had to do it at least three times, though, for Aiden and it was really stressing us out.  And each time they do it, they have to take a chest X-ray which means more radiation exposure, though they tell us it is a "miniscule" amount.  They were trying to go through his arm and we are told that they finally got it in through his leg and they are performing the procedure on Austin as we type this.  We did find out that both boys have gained weight and that Aiden now weighs 3 lbs 8 ozs and Austin weighs 2 lbs 15 ozs.  So that was good to hear.  They are so precious!
*** UPDATE ***
Austin's PICC Line went in just fine through his leg late last night, and we are told he is doing very well.  We were also told that Aiden returned to his old self late last night giving the nurses a hard time and challenging their every move with his feisty tantrums!  :o)


  1. Hang in there Bobby and Dinah! Love you guys!

  2. Yeah for the weight gain! Keep up the good work boys!

    Jenn & Matt Picinich

  3. Congratulations on the additions to your family. How exciting! I saw the pictures. You are right Aiden and Austin are precious. I will keep them in my prayers.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your blog. The pictures are wonderful and both your strength and those of the babies is heart warming. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. You are a beautiful family.

