Monday, March 29, 2010

29 March

Mom and Grandma Page spent the afternoon with the boys. Austin is still doing very well...just crusin' along with no major issues. He's up to 28ml of milk every three hours and is tolerating that very well. Doctors are still a little concerned about his anemia but not to the point where they feel the need to do a blood transfusion. Aiden is still on the ventilator and probably will be for another couple of days. He is doing better, but the doctors still want to see more progress before they take him off. The source of his infection still remains a mystery; he is on day 4 of his 7 days of antibiotics. He is progressing with his feedings and will be up to 12 ml of milk every three hours starting this evening. He is tolerating the feedings very well which is a positive sign. Both boys had their first eye exam today to look for signs of ROP (Retinopathy of more about it here They boys were diagnosed at Stage II, which is not alarming and their eyes should develop normally. They will be examined every 2 weeks for the rest of the time they are in the NICU to look for signs of the more serious stages. Please continue to keep Aiden and Austin in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Our dear little twin wonders, are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Our faith believes what we cannot see; and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe, grace and health for both Aiden and Austin Page and for Dinah and Bobby in the name of Jesus Christ. Grandma and Grandpaul Ross sends their love.

  2. Your entire family is in our prayers.

    Thank you for keeping us posted on the boys' progess. They are precious!

    Scarlett and Bob Lucas (friends of Ruth and Ken)

  3. Looks like the little guys are coming along. Slowly but surely they are growing stronger. Stage II ROP may simply resolve itself over time - more good news. I look forward to future updates.

  4. Hi, we meet with Ruth & Ken at Strbucks when they are in town and lately they have a lot of grandparenting to do!. We pray for your boys, being the grandparent of twin boys too. Hang on there Mom & Dad you need to be strong for them. Also, We hope Dinah is doing OK.

    Bob & KAren
