Sunday, March 14, 2010

14 March

Today was another great day on Aiden and Austin's journey home. The doctor didn't have anything new to tell us, which in the NICU world is GOOD NEWS! Both boys continue to progress. Their milk intake continues to increase daily with Austin taking 21ml every three hours and Aiden not far behind at 12ml. They were both sleeping peacefully when we left tonight. It's hard to explain how you can love someone so much so fast, but these little guys have definitely stolen our hearts. Thanks to all our family and friends for all their thoughts, prayers, and help during these times. Your support means more than you'll ever know. Please continue to keep our boys in your thoughts as we continue to pray and hope for their fast progression and eventual homecoming.


  1. Great new photos! We are glad to hear that Grandma and Grandpa Ross are there and that they are getting to spend some time with the boys. Much love to you all. XO Karen and Brian

  2. We love the pictures of the two of you holding the boys. They are precious and they definitely have a "lock" on our hearts! We love you all so much. Grampa and Gramma Page
