Monday, March 22, 2010

22 March

The boys were doing well today. Austin is back on mommy milk at 2ml every three hours and he's off his antibiotics. He seems to be tolerating his feedings and he will be watched closely over the next few days to make sure his system is digesting the milk. Though Austin is slightly anemic, the doctors have opted not to do a blood transfusion right now. They will continue to monitor him and reassess on Thursday. Aiden is still on continuous feeds at 11ml per hour. He is tolerating that very well with little residual. These little guys continue to amaze us as they fight to get better. Their strength and fighting spirit gives us hope. We know that someday soon they will be coming home with us. Until that day, stay strong Aiden and are in our thoughts and in our hearts. We love you!
P.S. We wanted to add this link for a quick clarification on Apnea and Bradycardia in case anyone was interested:


  1. Great news today! We love you.


  2. We are still on your cheering squad!!!!!
    You boys keep up the great work. Go Aiden and Austin....

  3. God Bless these sweet and precious little boys......with love from Gramma and Grampa Page.

  4. They both will be just fine ,They are getting better everyday,you will have them home sooner than you think,god bless you and Bobby LOVE Aunt Sandy,Uncle CA

  5. The gang at Inova Loudoun Hospital is also cheering in amazement at the progress these little ones are making. We're praying they are home soon so Grandma Ruth can play with them to her heart's content.

  6. Our thoughts and prayer are with you all.
    Thanks for keeping us updated each day.
    The Steinberg's

  7. Thinking about all of you each and every day. So glad Dinah is able to pump. Our daughter had to stay in the hospital for about a week after she was born and it meant so much for me to be able to deliver that milk to the nurses every morning! the pictures are great. Keep posting - we love keeping up with the great news and progress. Love, Susan and Dave Klugman

  8. Good to hear that the boys are digesting their feedings well and that their digestive systems look good. Nice that Austin is waiting on the transfusion, but if it becomes necessary, don't stress about it. It is fairly common in preemies. Your little guys are strong! And cute!
