Friday, March 12, 2010

12 March

Today was a good day for both boys. They both had a repeat Echo that showed the holes in their hearts have completely closed. We are very happy and grateful for that! Aiden is back on mommy's milk, though he is taking very little right now (4ml every 3 hours) but we hope that will increase over the next few days. They both will finish their 10 days of antibiotics this weekend. No further signs of infection at this time which is also good news. Tomorrow they will both receive a Synergist shot which will provide some protection against RSV (respiratory syncytial virus; you can read more about this at This is a shot that all NICU babies receive once a month. In closing, we would like to say that so far the doctors and nurses in the NICU have been wonderful to us and our boys. They are the most dedicated, professional team we've ever seen. We just can't say enough good things about them. It's hard leaving the boys every night, but we sleep a little better knowing they are in such good hands. A huge thanks to all the staff at NMCP NICU! You guys rock!

1 comment:

  1. We are so happy to hear that the holes have closed. Thank goodness. Thanks for keeping us posted.

    Love to you all.
