Monday, March 8, 2010

8 March

(Pictures are of Aiden and then Austin.) Both boys on meals getting Mommy's milk now! They can no longer hear murmurs in either heart but both boys supposedly still have a very small hole in their hearts. They say they don't plan to administer another round of meds though. They suspect they will either close in time or simply end up not being a problem for them at this point. Austin's numbers are solid. Aiden has had several episodes when his heartbeat dropped below 100 bpm and it should be 140-160 bpm. So they are keeping a watchful eye on him. Aiden is still very fidgety and active. Austin just chills out and seems to always look like he is lounging on the beach..! He throws an occasional stretch and yawn in there too just to mix it up..! We got to see their chest X-Rays today too. The doctor explained a lot to us basically saying that the infection the boys seem to be fighting may be pneumonia. But the hazy X-Rays may also just be fluid, the fact that they are immature lungs, or air sacs in the lungs that are "collapsed", or simply not filled with air. Bottom line, however, is that the X-Rays look MUCH better today than the films they had from 3 and 4 days ago and their vital sign numbers look better and better. Austin even opened his eye for us and Aiden continued to rip off his leads, probes, and hoses; whatever he can grab really..! We changed their diapers too, and boy was that enlightening! We saw the fountain! Daddy was wiping Aiden with a cold towelette and the fountainworks began! He peed straight up in the air and all over Dinah's fingers! Daddy found it humorous but didn't get a picture of that! Haha!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting the info and these great pictures! Sorry to hear about the urine incident but you had to learn sometime. (I learned that one the hard way too.)


