Saturday, March 20, 2010

20 March

Well, the doctors have good reason to believe that Austin does not have NEC.  He is doing well and his latest X-Ray was much better than the last so hopefully the gases are passing.  He will continue antibiotics, however, for several more days and should be back on milk in just a few days.  Aiden is doing well but they are concerned that he may be exhibiting early signs of NEC now as well so they went to a continuous feeding schedule for him.  Instead of giving him 33ml every 3 hours, they are giving him 11ml every hour continuously hoping that will allow him to get the food but not build up the gases.  Thank you, everyone, for all your support!


  1. Bobby and Dinah,
    We love the photos! It has been a couple of days since I last checked the blog and there is lots of new stuff to see. Those boys sure are cute. Glad to hear that Austin is out of the woods with the NEC. We will keep our fingers crossed for Aiden. Thanks for keeping us so well informed. We love you all. XOXO

  2. These little guys are certainly keeping their nurses (and their mommy and daddy) busy....God Bless You All. With God's Blessings, Aiden and Austin will grow stronger each and every day. This blog is so helpful, Bobby and Dinah. Be sure to take care of each other. We love you all. Mom and Dad

  3. Many blessings to the boys. Please make sure you two get enough rest, so the boys can enjoy your beautiful smiles.
    Lots of love,

  4. We are thinking and praying for you guys all the time, keep being strong Aiden and Austin we want to visit you soon!

    Matt & Jenn
