Friday, March 19, 2010

19 March

(Pictures are of Austin and then Aiden)  Well, here we go with one step backwards...  Austin had a rough day.  He may have Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC).  More information on NEC can be found at this link:
Basically, X-Rays show that he has too much gas in his system in part due to the air being supplied through his nose which can just as easily go into his stomach as his lungs.  This can be dangerous because the gases can burst his intestines and/or introduce bacteria into the bloodstream.  So, they had to stop his feedings and are giving him antibiotics to fight any infections.  They are taking blood tests as well to see if any bacteria got into his blood.  His belly is soft though, he is having normal bowel movements, and does not have blood in his stools (which are all good signs).  So we are waiting now; waiting for the blood test and any more X-Rays they may take.
Aiden is doing well.  We changed his diaper today and he decided to immediately soil the new one before we could even get it around him.  Then he decided to continue soiling everything including his bedding and our hands as we were trying to clean him up!  It was simultaneously the funniest and maybe most disturbing thing I have seen in a long time..!  Just when we thought it was over, more shot out of him!  (Sorry for the mental image!)

1 comment:

  1. Possibly better at 2 weeks then at 50+ years. Yikes! Rooting for you all, Jenny
