Wednesday, March 24, 2010

23 March

(Pictures are of Austin [yaaaaawn!] and then Aiden) The twins are doing fairly well tonight. Dad didn't get to the NICU until nearly 10:30pm, but stayed for more than two hours holding both boys for a long time each. Austin is up to 4ml of milk every three hours and Aiden is still getting a continuous feed of 12.5ml every hour (or 37.5ml every three hours). They did have to put Austin back on CPAP, but only for 8 hours a day. The other 16 hours, he is on the normal air flow. Additionally, due to Aiden's minor problems with some acid reflux that were causing some episodes of apnea and bradycardia, they propped him upright and that seemed to do the trick. His number of episodes decreased to almost nothing. Otherwise, mostly a quiet night. Dad even fell asleep for a quick wink while holding each of the boys..! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Hi got to see the pic's of granma granpaw ross with the boy's I am so happy they got to see Aiden and Austin. I talked to you dad tonight he is soooooooooooo proud of the boy's,You all are very lucky they both are so da---me cute. Everyday is a plus. We know ours is now 5lbs 14oz. and the twins will be just fine. Take care of youselfs,they are going to need you both,when they come home. Love Aunt Sandy
