Tuesday, March 9, 2010

9 March

(Pictures are of Austin and then Aiden)  Big day!  Grampa and Gramma Page came to visit the twins!  Grampa unfortunately was a little ill so he didn't go inside the NICU, but Gramma Page did go in and got to see the boys for the first time!  They are doing wonderfully today.  Aiden was as feisty as ever and Austin was snug as a bug in a rug on his tummy..!  The doctor had nothing but good things to say about both of them.  They do plan to continue the two broad spectrum antibiotics on both boys for the full course which is about 3 to 4 more days.  Aiden was lying on a photo therapy blanket because his biliruben levels had increased slightly.  Everyone agrees that Austin favors his Daddy's looks (poor guy..!  Haha!) and that Aiden with his dark hair and complexion favors Mommy...!
Aiden still has episodes of his heart rate dropping but there have been fewer and fewer incidents so that is good.  No one can calm either of the boys down quite as well as Mommy can..!  Gramma Page took the second photo!


  1. Please know just because not many are commenting, it's not because we're not checking in on you all and wishing you well. A bunch of us were discussing the updates over a beer near UVA while getting Gigi out for a while. Yay, past the one-week point! So happy for you. I'm sure Mike's one-week point will be just as positive. Love you all, Jenny & Scott

  2. So glad the boys are doing well and hope you are getting enough rest as well. Would love to send some flowers = please send your address if you don't mind, to Maggie (from TKD) at maggiesnacks@yahoo.com. Thinking of you all.
    Maggie and Rachel
