Wednesday, March 17, 2010

16 March

Not much to report this time .. which is a good thing, of course.  Aiden was sleeping peacefully on his tummy and Austin was on his back jumping in sporadic movements.  We swear he must be dreaming - he does that all the time.  Aiden opened his eyes for Grampa and Gramma Ross and then later for Dad.  Both boys are off the CPAP machine now, so that is a step in the right direction.  Hopefully they can stay off the machines because it allows us to see their faces better without all that headgear on..!  :o)  Austin is now taking 29ml of Mom's milk and Aiden is getting 21ml.  We love you!  Keep pushing on!


  1. Awesome! What wonderful progress the last few days. Love the blog - thanks for keeping us updated!


  2. I am so excited the boys are doing so well! They definately have Page in them! My blessings to all!
    Lots of love,

  3. So glad to hear the both boys are doing well and that their progression toward home is strengthening. Kudos to you Bobby, you have developed quite the vocab of nursing and medical terminology & are doing very well re-teaching it! It is so great to see you as and excited daddy! Hugs to you & to mommy, the years ahead of you will bring you even more joy!

