Wednesday, March 10, 2010

10 March

The shorter the blog, the better the news..!  They are doing awesome!  Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers!  I cannot tell you how much we (and Aiden and Austin) appreciate that.  We believe it is making a world of difference...  There are no images today, but they were very calm, rested, and looked really good.  Aiden is still on the blue light pad.  Both boys are now getting 10ml of mommy's milk every three hours, so that is good.  They were getting 3ml yesterday.  The doctors said they want to be aggressive with the feedings and see how they do so hopefully they take it all well.  Daddy was a bit sick so he didn't stay long in the NICU, but Mommy and Gramma Page did and laid their hands on them for a long time.  They like that.  :o)

1 comment:

  1. I love the little fingers - awesome!
