Thursday, April 1, 2010

1 April

The boys are doing much better.  Austin is still cruising along and Aiden is catching up.  He is bringing himself out of the woods slowly but surely over the past couple days which is nice to see.  He is also doing better with his feedings.  Aiden is getting 28 ml of milk and Austin is getting 36 ml.  They took Aiden off the ventilator around 1pm so that is good because it really irritates the throat.  He is on SiPAP (Synchronized Inspiratory Positive Airway Pressure) now and had not had an apnea or bradycardia episode all day by the time we left at 6:30pm.  They look very good and are opening their eyes a bit wider now.  Austin looked at us wide-eyed several times yesterday (31 March).  His eyes would dance and dart around, but we could tell he was looking at us and taking it all in... What a sight to behold!  We cannot wait to have them home and witness all their senses firing on all cylinders!


  1. This is wonderful news. I am so happy to hear that Aiden is off the ventilator....he will soon "catch up" with his little brother!! They are both precious little baby boys...Grampa and Gramma Page send love and hugs. God Bless you all.

  2. BIG smile! Thanks for this good progress report. Great start for this beautiful Spring day. Aiden and Austin are growing stronger each day. Grampaul and Gramma Ross also join Ken and Ruth in sending love and hugs.
