Thursday, April 22, 2010

Slippery When Wet..!

They share a birthday with Bon Jovi, so Dad figured he would name the subject line after one of their albums!  :o)  Austin is 5 lbs 7 ozs and Aiden is 5 lbs 13 ozs and Aiden is looking much better now.  the diuretics are working well and he has been losing a lot of the water weight that he needs to lose so that's good.

Anyway, it was time for Austin to get pictures at bath time tonight!  It really wasn't as bad as the pictures made it out to be though..!

Whilst Aiden slept peacefully!

But we did have a big scare tonight when Aiden decided to stop breathing while Dad was feeding him.  He choked on some milk and Dad promptly got the bottle out of his mouth, but Aiden wouldn't breathe despite trying to burp and agitate him.  He turned grey as the nurse came up and took Aiden from Dad.  The nurse thankfully got him to cough it out and start breathing again.  Dad was very scared to say the least even though it wasn't a long time at all.  Whew..!  Love and hugs, boys.  Love and hugs.  Kona says, "Ruff!"


  1. Gramma and Grampa PageApril 23, 2010 at 9:52 AM

    Gramma Page just loves these pictures -- particularly the one of Austin with the BIG scowl! Surprising, because he is usually so laid back! And, little Aiden -- little fella has got to learn to multi-task when feeding! Love you all and miss those two little guys so much.

  2. Beautiful pictures ...Wow you must of really been shaken by Aiden and decided to take a rest on his breathing??? Jerrod used to do that to us as well. He got the hang of it finally.But so many times I was so scared. Who knows I probably stopped breathing as well....I used to move him around some because he would fall asleep and that would be when the breathing would stop. Anyway you will all be home real soon and life will be sort of normal..diapers , a.m. feedings,laundry,bottles everywhere,toys scattered, and of course the question whats for dinner? Take care guys... Can't wait to meet the boys. Mary
