Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eyes Wide Open (sort of)

Mom got to hold both Austin and Aiden for a long time today. For the last few days, Aiden's hematocrit level has been lower than the doctors liked, so today they decided to give him a blood transfusion which he took with no problems. In addition to helping his anemia, they hope the increase in his red blood cell count will help his respiratory problems as well. Austin was very alert today with big wide open eyes! He was looking around and taking in his surroundings. Both boys had a second brain scan today and the results were normal with no evidence of brain trauma (no bleeding or swelling) which is very very good news.
Keep up the good fight boys....you are well on your way home!


  1. These boys are so precious. May God continue to bless them with continued growth and strength, and soon they will be home with their mommy and daddy. We can't wait! Just read both this posting and the posting for 4/12, and indeed, I am crying tears of joy. These little guys are true miracles. We LOVE the pictures of the boys with Dinah! Love and hugs from Gramma and Grampa Page!

  2. So very happy to see such great progress - Dinah, you look beautiful! Sending hugs to you all.

  3. SOo Happy to see you holding one of your boys, you look mighty happy MOM ours is 7lbs 6oz she is growing so fast. She was only 2lbs 9.3oz when she was born.We went thru what you are going thru with yours .They both will be just fine they are starting the great days now.Love you all Aunt Sandy
