Monday, April 5, 2010

5 April

Both boys are doing wonderfully today.  We got to hold each of them yesterday and today.  (Austin is on the left, Aiden is on the right).  The picture below is from yesterday so there is no CPAP, but Austin went back on the CPAP machine today because his respiratory rate was a bit high; nothing to be concerned about though.  They just didn't want him to tire out.  Aiden is in an open crib and hasn't had any apnea or bradycardia episodes in a couple days now!  The shorter the blog, the better they are!  :o)


  1. Now that's how you roll,sharing the load. Beautiful picture, makes me proud. Mom and Dad nursing for their guys. We love you. Thankful to the Lord for the good report again today. Blessings. Love Grampaul and Gramma Ross. Our grandson Zachary Hunter calls us Pawpaw and Mawmaw.

  2. We love the short blog! The pictures are great. It is so fun to see the two of you holding them together. What a great experience it will be when they are able to interact with each other.

    Love you!

    Karen and Brian

  3. We love these pictures of the boys out of their isolettes and being held by mommy and daddy! Can't wait to see them again. We love you all. Hugs and kisses from Gramma and Grampa Page.

  4. Would love an update on weights and lengths - they just look so much bigger. Our best, J&S

  5. This is the best shot ever! Y'all look wonderful!!!!
    Best wishes, Maggie
