Thursday, April 8, 2010

8 April

(Pictures are of Aiden and then Austin) Daddy got to bottle-feed Aiden today. What a treat! Aiden seems to be getting the hang of the bottle. Austin hasn't quite figured it out yet but will get there soon, we're sure. Both boys are doing well although we were told that Aiden had several bradycardia episodes last night and ran a fever of 100. However, he was bundled up with a hat and two blankets so as soon as they unwrapped him, he cooled down and corrected his heart rate. (He probably takes after his Dad by being too hot all the time!) Austin is still as stoic as can be. Always looks like he is thinking and contemplating something! He often sleeps with his hands either touching his face or very close to his face, and sometimes even puts them behind his head like he is lounging at the beach! Aiden keeps the nurses guessing all the time. They never know what he is going to do..! Aiden has been smiling a bit here and there, but today as I was talking to the nurse about his occasional smiles, he busted out a huge one .. right there for the both of us .. what a sight! We love you Austin and Aiden...


  1. My heart is filled to overflowing with love for these little guys............hugs and kisses from Gramma and Grampa Page

  2. Great photos and even better news. We love you.

    Karen and Brian

  3. Dad you look great holding your little bundle of joy. Sooooooooooooo happy to see and hear that they are coming along so good GOD BLESS you both Love Aunt Sandy

  4. I am so happy for your beautiful sons! What a wonderful Easter blessing from God.

  5. The little guys look great! Nothing like jumping into the deep end of the parenting pool. If you need help, just whistle.

    Your new family is in the Hamel family prayers.

  6. Peeping in to see how things are going. There is "Pop" seeing that his troops are getting their chow. Bobby you look very comfortable in your new role as a "POP". Glad to hear all is well. We continue our prayers for those little champions. They certainly have stolen all of our hearts. Keep up the good fight. Blessings. Love all of you, Gramma and Grampaul Ross. --}--@
