Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Our "All Star" boys!

   So, we went to Michael's a few days ago to get one thing that cost $2 and walked out half a paycheck and a big project later..!  ;o)  Just kidding!  So, we saw these in the store and had to make them for the boys!  We painted them and everything!  They were nothing but plain wood.  Shocking, we know!  Only took us 132 man-hours!  ;o)  haha...  They are hanging on the wall right by the crib.  (Pictures for the frames will go in shortly!)

   Austin is doing well.  He always makes us smile with his little hiccups after his meals.  He lets out little, high-pitched sounds that sound like Kona when Kona is barking in his dreams.  It cracks us up..!
   Now, for the unfortunate news of the day.  Mom and Dad were told that Aiden broke his right arm just below the shoulder.  The doctors and nurses have no idea how it happened and admit that it was obviously on their watch.  They say that it looks like it happened about 2 weeks ago.  While looking at a chest X-Ray today, they happened to notice that the arm was healing from an obvious break.  Mom and Dad saw the X-Ray and it indeed did not look good, but had already been building up bulky calcifications around the injury.  The doctors told us that the orthopedic doctors said the bone [thankfully] is healing completely straight and normal and should not have any lasting effects.  So that is comforting.  We are going to be in for a long ride if Aiden inherited Daddy's accident proneness..!  ;o)


  1. Grampa and Gramma PageApril 29, 2010 at 11:35 AM

    I pray that neither boy is accident-prone like their Daddy was! It is just too much for a mother to take........look at my white hair! Hopefully, these boys will keep both feet on the ground at all times -- no skydiving! Whatever, they will make us all proud! Love and hugs from G&G Page.

  2. First sports injury and he hasn't even left the hospital yet! What a trooper! The boys look wonderful; great weight, lots of hair, beautiful faces!
    You both look well rested! How is that possible? I know that you must be up all of the time. Hang in there. The boys will sleep all day when they hit 15 years old!
    Beautiful sons! You both should be very proud!
    Lots of love,

  3. Grampaul and Gramma Ross said...
    All I can say is I was shocked and ruffled when I heard Aiden's arm was broken. Having a hard time with that in my mind. We send our love to all of you. I know you are, but always be most observant.
    G&G Ross
