Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Good News!

Well, today we had a great surprise when we arrived to visit the boys. Both Austin and Aiden were out of their isolettes and had been moved to open cribs...a very, very huge step forward! They have been in the open cribs all day with no problems at all. They are maintaining their body temps and have had no respiratory events. They will stay in open cribs as long as they don't start to have problems. As if that wasn't enough, they both had their first feeding from a bottle today as well. Aiden did awesome, taking 32ml of his 40ml feeding from a bottle. The nurses were very impressed....most preemie babies do not do that well the first time. Austin, however, was only able to take a few sips from the bottle and then the nurse had to stop because he was experiencing some bradycardia, spitting up and choking a little. But the nurse says that is normal (especially the first time) and that he will eventually get used to breathing, sucking, and swallowing all at the same just takes some practice. For now, the nurses plan to give each boy at least one feeding per day from the bottle...little steps forward. The boys also continue to gain weight...Aiden is now 5lbs 5oz, and Austin is about 4lbs 7oz. Oh, and now that they are out of the isolettes, the nurses wanted us to bring in some clothes for them.  So all the wonderful gifts we've recieved can finally be put to use.  What a blessed day!! Good job are headed in the right direction.  We love you very much!


  1. We are so excited about the tremendous progress that the twins are making...they will both really grow quickly now. Can't wait to see them in real clothes!! God Bless you all.......Love from Gramma and Grampa Page.

  2. Wow... this is all wonderful news. The boys are doing so well. Real clothes, real bottles ,and real cribs!!!! What a blessing. Hugs to everyone.Mary
