Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Nothing new to report as the boys continue to do great!  Yesterday, we had the chance to hold both of them at the same time.  It was the first time the boys had been together since they were born.  (Austin is on the left, Aiden is on the right). 


  1. Awwww...happy tears here. Way to go boys, way to go Mom and Dad! Blessings. Grampaul and Gramma Ross

  2. the boys are just beautiful,and I don't believe any could wipe those smile from PROUD Mom and Dad face,what a beautiful sight to see on Easter .Love Aunt Sandy GOD BLESS Happy Easter to the five of you

  3. So glad the boys are doing well! Sounds like you had a great Easter! They just keep growing and growing! I'm so happy! Happy Easter Dinah and Bobby!

  4. Glad to hear that the boys are doing great, you all make a beautyful family and I loved the splish splash pictures.Give them both a big kiss and hug from their great Aunt Marcella.I will keep them in my prayers now and always. Love you all.Marcella

  5. It has been so wonderful to watch the long journey that Austin and Aiden are making. I know it was a long journey for us to get Morgan home as well. They look like they are doing beautifully and will be home with you soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with the 4 of you.

    Leanne, Michael, Bridgette, and Morgan
