Monday, April 26, 2010

Keep Truckin'!

Sorry we have not gotten to the blog in a few days.  The weekend was great.  We spent some good time with the boys.
Mom and Dad went to a Baby Boot Camp at the Hospital Saturday and learned lots of stuff!  We also spent time at their bedside watching instructional videos on all the top things like CPR, how to change a diaper (we are pros now anyway), when to call a doctor, and a bunch of other lessons.  So, maybe we are 'certified' parents now.  ;o)  We have changed them, bathed them, fed them, cuddled them, kissed them, and showered them with love.  So, we have the important stuff down!

As always, Austin loves sleeping with his hands near his face .. Such a cutie!

Aiden decided to join him .. on two different occasions!  Another cutie!

Austin is telling the whole world that he is Daddy's All Star while Aiden gets lovin' from Mom!
Continue fighting and believing!  You have all our love, boys!


  1. It won't be long they will be home. Your little family will all be together.God did good watching over the boys. Love Aunt Sandy

  2. A shout out from the Ross camp. Looking good guys! Feeling the love and observing the progress. They make those little outfits look good. We are so proud of the boys and the Mom and Dad. Semper Fi!
