Monday, April 19, 2010

Pictures galore!

Sorry it has been a few days - we have been busy putting the nursery together!

The boys are doing ok.  Austin is coming along fine.  Aiden is retaining some fluid.  He has swollen toes, feet, legs, arms, and face.  They are giving him diuretics and we are hopeful that they can fix whatever is causing the retention.  Austin is weighing about 5 lbs 5 ozs now and Aiden was weighed at 6 lbs 4 ozs but much of that may be the fluid.  Mom and Dad read to them this weekend!  We read them both "The Poky Little Puppy" and "Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday".  They loved the stories very much -- they were asleep in seconds!  haha!

It is so amazing to touch, hold, and just plain experience these little, tiny, animated beings..!  They are the absolute best part of our days.  We feel such immense love for them and thank each and every one of you for all your healing thoughts and prayers!  We don't usually post so many pictures, but it was too hard to choose from the 13,000 that we have.  (Yes, I am joking...)  :o)  So, we wanted to share a few more here.  Austin with Dad and Mom.

And Aiden with Grampa and Gramma Page.

We love you Aiden and Austin!


  1. Thank you for posting all of these beautiful pictures. Sending love, prayers and healthy vibes. Karen G

  2. Love the grandpa Page talking to his grandson picture. I'll bet its a conversation about cars and trucks!!! And grandma Page enjoying her grandson with conversation of I can't wait to babysit you guys. So beautiful. These little guys have filled our lives with so much hope. Keep showing us all those loving pictures and updates. Mary L

  3. Bobby and Dinah, I continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. Looks like the boys are doing great! I can't wait to meet them. Marsha Mullins (JFCOM)
