Saturday, May 1, 2010


So, we walk in this afternoon and Aiden is wired!  He looks like he has braided dreads or something!  :o)

They want to monitor him to check on some twitches we keep seeing him exhibit.  We all think that it is just twitches that preemies get coming in and out of sleep, but they want to be sure.  So the monitor looks like the image to the left.  I have no idea what he was dreaming about in the middle there!  ;o)

They have been moved to the outer ring of the NICU, too, which is good.  There is less traffic and noise there, and it means they are getting ready to come home soon!  Soon they should be sharing a crib, too, which will be nice.  Austin got some sleepy time with both Mommy and Daddy today.  Sweet dreams, boys!

1 comment:

  1. Gramma and Grampa PageMay 2, 2010 at 5:28 PM

    Two months old today -- May 2, 2010, which is when I am writing this comment. The babies have made great progress considering they were born 11 weeks early. Gramma and Grampa Page send love and hugs to Aiden and Austin.
