Sunday, May 9, 2010

First Mother's Day!

Congratulations to Dinah on her first Mother's Day!
Aiden and Austin are doing well.  They weigh 6 lbs 13 oz and 7 lbs even respectively.  Yes, Austin just surpassed Aiden in weight yesterday for the first time since they were born.  Aiden is taking all of his 8 feeds per day from a bottle and Austin is now getting 3 feeds per day from a bottle.  They are happy boys and provide us with endless entertainment when we visit them..!  Aiden likes to cuddle and to sleep...
Austin is getting used to cuddling and likes to stretch... 

Gramma and Grampa Page came to visit for Mother's Day weekend!  Gramma fed Aiden ...

...while Mommy fed Austin.

But Austin clearly did not want to share his boppy seat.

"Don't tell me you are sticking someone else in my boppy seat with me!"

"Who is this guy?"

"Ughhhh..!  Mom, Austin 'tooted'..!"


"Hmmm, this feels vaguely familiar .. like I have been here before..."


  1. Gramma and Grampa PageMay 10, 2010 at 3:13 PM

    These babies are so different. It is going to be pure joy watching them grow. We just can't get over how much Austin looks like his daddy's baby pictures. Aiden has darker hair like his mommy. Both boys are doing well, and we look forward to the day they come home with mommy and daddy. Hugs and Kisses to you all.

  2. Great photos! We can't wait to meet those babies this summer.
