Sunday, May 2, 2010

60 to 0 in 2.5 seconds

Aiden and Austin now weigh 6 lbs 12 oz and 6 lbs 8 oz respectively..!  They're looking good!

"I said I wanted to wear the pajamas with the tiger on the butt!  Grrrrr!"
Then Aiden catches some Zzzzz after absolutely guzzling Mommy's milk in near record time..!

Aiden is still hooked up to the monitor, but the doctors tell us that they have not seen anything concerning, so that is good.  We gave Austin a bath tonight and he apparently didn't like our choice of P.J.s.  ;o)  But he got over it and eventually settled in for a nice, long nap himself.  What incredibly sweet and precious boys we have been blessed with!


  1. We rather like the sport-themed pajamas.


    Karen and Brian

  2. Good to here the boys are gaining they both are almost the size of Morgan. She is 7lbs 14 oz. It won't be long they will pass her. Austin and Aiden both boys strong and they are showing us all just how strong God Bless the 5 of you Aunt Sandy

  3. Gramma and Grampa PageMay 3, 2010 at 7:55 PM

    That Austin is a corker -- and nice to see Aiden getting some "Mommy time". Can't wait to see them this weekend. Love, hugs and kisses from Gramma and Grampa Page.

  4. Absolutely adorable. Dinah I noticed Ruth using the word "corker" seems like we have some history on that one. (Grin) We send our love to yawl. Grampaul and Gramma Ross
