Sunday, May 16, 2010

They're BOTH cute!

So we have been away from the blog for a while .. sorry!  Who is the cutest anyway?  They BOTH are!  (Hint: look at the pictures!)
Aiden weighs 7 lbs 13 ozs and Austin weighs 7 lbs 12 ozs.  Aiden is still taking each feeding by bottle and Austin was but they are going to move him back to the feeding tube for a while because he gets tired out quickly.  They are both on a low flow of oxygen.  Aiden has done without a few times but usually needs it while feeding.  We have been told that Aiden has a hernia unfortunately.  Probably from all the scrunchy red faces he makes as he holds his breath and seems to bear down.  They tell us it is fairly common.  He is due for surgery on it on 10 June so hopefully everything goes smoothly.

Here are pictures over the weekend of Mom and Dad with Aiden and Austin respectively.
And then are pictures of Austin and Aiden with Mom.  Austin is zonked out and Aiden seems to be trying to play peek-a-boo..!

We had to laugh when a nurse said that Aiden was "the most efficient eater" she has ever seen!  He powers through his bottle feeds in nothing flat, and that is even with a thickening agent they put in the milk in order to help with his reflux issue.  She was completely amazed.  Sleep well, boys.  We love you!


  1. Gramma and Grampa PageMay 16, 2010 at 9:59 PM

    They have both gained 3/4 of a pound in the week since we saw them -- incredible! And, Aiden is again "in the lead"! They are the absolute CUTEST and most precious babies! I miss them terribly. Sorry to hear about the hernia, but hopefully, can easily be fixed. We love you sweet boys, and we send loads of hugs and kisses.

  2. Your boys are just so cute. I am so happy to see them on your blog.It won't be much longer you and Bobbie will have them home with you. Love Aunt Sandy & Uncle CA
