Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 90 ...

So, today is 90 days and we have slacked a bit on posting.  Our apologies...
On Thursday, 27 May, both boys weighed 8 lbs 15 ozs.  Then we heard they were both over 9 lbs yesterday and Austin had once again surpassed Aiden.  They keep flip flopping.  Austin always looks deep into your eyes when he feeds - it is very cool.  Aiden prefers to maximize energy and sleep while eating.  It's pretty amazing!  ;o) 
Aiden was wrapped up in this thing in order to have an MRI done.  It was a funny cocoon-like contraption.  Austin had an MRI as well but we didnt get pictures of that.  Both reports were fine.
They should be coming home this week - hopefully Thursday..!
Mom and Dad can't wait!  Let the chaos begin!


  1. Grampa and Gramma PageMay 30, 2010 at 5:44 PM

    Grampa and Gramma can't wait either -- just want to be able to hold those boys and cuddle them til my heart's content! The big day is coming..............Love, hugs and kisses to all.

  2. Yes! Soon and very soon transforamtion is coming. Mommy and Daddy roles will be more pronounced and Kona will be wondering what in the world is happening. Anxious.

    G&G Ross

  3. We just went back through all the posts and photos. It is hard to believe that it has been over 90 days. The boys had the tiniest hands in those initial photos. We are so excited that you will be bringing the kids home on Thursday. We love you all! XOXO Karen and Brian
