Thursday, May 20, 2010

80 days...

Here we are at the 80th day now...!  Can you believe it?!?!  Aiden with a smile.  And Austin sleeping like an adult it seems!  So yesterday (5/19), Aiden weighed 8 lbs 4 ozs and Austin weighed 8 lbs 1 oz.  And let me tell you, Mom and Dad are getting tired of those hoses and wires!  So hard to do anything with them all over the place.  We wanted to give you all a picture of the NICU.  We are way down at the right of the picture.
Aiden gets really fussy if he is not held or being paid attention to..!  He is laying on a 30 degree wedge now to try and help his reflux since we chose to have them both removed from Reglan (a questionable drug in our opinion).  He has a bald spot now due to all the rubbing he does against the bed when he fusses.
Austin can pretty much take it or leave it when it comes to holding and cuddling.  He is usually wide awake after feeding.  It is great to see how aware and alert he is.  We got each of them a mobile for their cribs and we think Austin is afraid of his..!  Aiden may not have ever actually seen his yet.  ;o) 
Unfortunately, we were told that Aiden now actually has two hernias!  One on each side of 'you know where'.  The doctors assure us they are minor and will operate on both hernias on 10 June.  Mom and Dad gave them both baths last night and we can tell you that they definitely are not fans..!  They both fussed the whole time!  But if Mom's milk comes after bath time .. then it's all good!  Aiden likes to sleep and eat and Austin locks on to you with unwavering attention!  Several nurses now have told us that they have never seen a baby take as thick a mixture of milk (since they add a thickener to it) through a high flow nipple as rapidly as Aiden does..!  They are astonished at his power...  We love you boys!  You're entering the final stretch!  Run hard!


  1. Gramma and Grampa PageMay 21, 2010 at 1:43 PM

    Dare I say that both Aiden and Austin are starting to look a bit "chubby".....look at the rolls on their little arms! That's great. They have really progressed from their birth weights of 3lbs 12oz and 3lbs respectively. Great progress. Both of them are true blessings. We love you all. Hugs and kisses from Gramma and Grampa Page.

  2. Gram Ross' said...
    Sweet pair they are. Lots of TLC. Makes our hearts smile. Love.

    Grampaul and Gramma Ross
