Friday, June 4, 2010

And on the 94th Day...

...God freed us from the NICU.  :o)
(aside) Aiden loves to grip your fingers!
Yesterday, on June 3, 2010 at 3 months and 1 day young, the boys were released from the NICU at NMCP in Portsmouth, VA after 94 days of captivity (haha) weighing 9 lbs 7 ozs each.  With the help of Gramma & Grampa Page and a few nurses, Dad documented the occasion to the fullest extent of current technology.  ;o)  A brand new Sony CX-550 HD Video Recorder and his Canon 40D still camera.  Now to put it together in that video we promised you in one of the first blog entries!  Please bear with us...
Here we are leaving the NICU.  And then the boys going out into the main hallway.  Next are the boys in the elevator.  And then the boys are finally outside!  First time they have seen the sun, the clouds, trees, and felt true air..!
So, we get home and cross over the threshold .. with balloons from Uncle Brian and Aunt Karen!

And finally, Kona has no earthly idea who the heck these little people are and how he got kicked down to 5th on the totum pole..!  "Can I eat it?  Can I play with it?  Can I make it squeak?"

Let the chaos, ummm, we mean journey begin ...  We are so grateful to finally have you boys home!  We love you!